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UMBC's annual HvZ invitational
UMBC HvZ's 2025 Invitational is in the planning stages. We don't have anything more for you yet, so check back later for updates.
This year's theme is Milky Way Mayhem!
HvZ is a game played across the world on college campuses that mixes nerf blasters with tag. Zombies attempt to "Infect" humans by tagging them, while Humans try to defend themselves with foam flinging devices of all varieties. Zombies can be "stunned" by humans, buying a little bit of time, but can never be killed. The only way to win (as a human) is to complete your objectives before the horde becomes unstoppable. If (when) you die, you become a zombie and join the ever-growing horde! As a Horde, work with your fellow zombies to ambush and annihilate your friends, and crush their vain hopes of victory.
The UMBC HVZ Invitational is an annual event which occurs every spring between March and April on the UMBC campus.
While there may be some minor changes, the rules for the 2024 game (as seen below) will be reused, mostly unchanged, for 2025.
If you want to follow us on social media, we're on instagram as umbchvzclub, where we post about our weekly games.